L.Alien Presents: Ashleigh Morgan
**Line of work / Job title(s) (paid or unpaid) :
Sustainable lifestyle brand owner.
**Where are you from and what brought you to L.A.?
I’m From CT and I came out here bc of my family deciding to Pack up and move out with a 52 foot big rig.
How has being in L.A. changed your life?
I never thought I’d be in Fashion thanks to la I’m in fashion.
What kind of obstacles were you faced with during your move to L.A.?
We had our truck stolen in Long Beach when we first got here. That was the truck that moved our big rig. We got kicked out of the park we were in that same week.
How has being in L.A. helped you achieve your dreams?
Being here gives me the control to be in the Industry I want to be in and helps me work with the people I want to work with.
What is/are your favorite thing(s) about living in L.A.?
That my fam is here. The weather, adventure, that we’re right next to the beach, and that I can be whoever I want to be.
What thing(s) did you do this week to bring you closer to where you want to be?
I emailed trader Joe’s to be a new vendor there.
I’ve planned a new event for June 30th.
Also sent my monthly newsletter out today.
I’ve planned a new event for June 30th.
Also sent my monthly newsletter out today.
What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you’ve achieved?
Graduate high school on my own.
What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you are still working toward?
Be successful in an industry whatever that may be.
What do you love that you struggle to find time for?
Ceramic classes.
What do you do for fun?
Work work work work work or go to the beach.
What is something funny/crazy that has happened to you since being in L.A. that you think would only happen in L.A.?
Me getting hired as a model.
How would you describe your style?
All over the place, never following any trends that are in at the time. Fun slowly and fabulous.
Any words of wisdom for others out there who may be thinking about moving to L.A. to pursue their dreams?
Be careful what you wish for.
Do you have any projects, shows, performances, or events coming up that we should know about?
June 15th with Artist&Flea in Venice.
Website / social media links?