L.Alien Presents: Bret Calvert
**Line of work / Job title(s) (paid or unpaid) :
Freelance writer/producer
Where are you from and what brought you to L.A.?
Texas…dreams of being the next Andrew McCarthy.
How has being in L.A. changed your life?
It would be a shorter list to say how it HASN’T. LA has changed everything.
What kind of obstacles were you faced with during your move to L.A.?
How has being in L.A. helped you achieve your dreams?
I met the right few people at the right time and the rest is history. LA is the kind of place where a lot of people have a story like that.
What is/are your favorite thing(s) about living in L.A.?
The weather…until the last few months.
What thing(s) did you do this week to bring you closer to where you want to be?
Quit a powerful executive job that was crushing my soul…got back to my writing roots.
What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you’ve achieved?
Make a living with words.
What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you are still working toward?
Embarrassingly large stacks of cash.
What do you love that you struggle to find time for?
What do you do for fun?
Watch TV…and take the occasional picture.
What is something funny/crazy that has happened to you since being in L.A. that you think would only happen in L.A.?
I bumped into Corbin Bernsen at Ralf’s and made him drop a gallon of milk that made a huge mess.
How would you describe your style?
Any words of wisdom for others out there who may be thinking about moving to L.A. to pursue their dreams?
Be prepared to hustle your ass off and eat buckets of pride before it all pays off.
Do you have any projects, shows, performances, or events coming up that we should know about?
I’m head writer on the new season of Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader with John Cena. Coming to Nickelodeon this summer.