L.Alien Presents: Jessica Littlefield
**Line of work / Job title(s) (paid or unpaid) :
I am a singer, a writer, an actor and I sell killer skincare!
**Where are you from and what brought you to L.A.?
I was planning to move to New York City to act, when I fell in love with the SoCal weather!
How has being in L.A. changed your life?
Most of my adult life has been in Los Angeles, so my life has changed in millions of ways but they all seem to be just part of who I was becoming, anyway. I guess most notably, I am way less patient in traffic than I used to be. Conversely, I tolerate a lot more bullshit and idiocy here.
What kind of obstacles were you faced with during your move to L.A.?
I moved to Los Angeles was very smooth. I landed at the same time as a comedy troupe full of cute guys that were all friends with my best friend. I moved here to act and there was an actors strike so we started a band, and we had parties every week. OH! One thing, we were poor. We were so damned poor. So yeah, I guess the biggest obstacle was finding work that would pay the rent after moving here, only to see my industry shut down for months in strikes and legal battles.
How has being in L.A. helped you achieve your dreams?
Because so many creative people find the brass ring here, I am able to collaborate with some of the most talented people from all over the world! With them, I have fulfilled countless childhood dreams and have made new ones, fulfilled them and found new ones, again! There are a few left in the hopper, and I don’t expect to be disappointed!
What is/are your favorite thing(s) about living in L.A.?
My absolute favorite thing about living in Los Angeles is the fact that there is truly something for everyone. Sometimes you might have to search for it, but there are probably two options or more, just waiting behind some beautifully manicured hedges for you to find them.
What thing(s) did you do this week to bring you closer to where you want to be?
This was a very productive week for my dreams! I gushed my painful feelings of new love out into a song with a brand new, talented songwriting partner! I re-started edits on a book that I have been writing for years! (Still need an illustrator who can draw 9 head fashion silhouettes.) I have discussed a reunion with my first band, The NeuTickles! I’ve planned a trip to record a retro song with my long-term songwriting partner. Within the week, I have written a full album of crushed-out poetry, too sappy and girlie to stomach in its entirety.
What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you are still working toward?
I am still working towards being paid as an actor. I got out of the game for a little while, but I am back with an agent and I am working daily on getting myself camera ready!
How would you describe your style?
There was a time when I would have described my style as being very experimental. I have gone through countless phases. Clothes excite me. I may have even supported a schoolgirl look too far into my 30s. I will say that if I had my druthers, I would ALWAYS skew 1970s rockstar. I don’t like to BLEND IN when it comes to my clothes. (My personality could use a little blending, but never my outfit!!)
What do you do for fun?
For fun… I shop. I comb. I bargain hunt. Why can’t this be my job?
Any words of wisdom for others out there who may be thinking about moving to L.A. to pursue their dreams?
Advice: Before moving to Los Angeles to pursue your dream, read, take courses, understand the marketing and business behind your art!