L.Alien Presents: Olivia Saperstein

**Line of work / Job title(s) (paid or unpaid) : 
Guitarist for Egg Drop Soup, writer/director, owner of Trash People Clothing

**Where are you from and what brought you to L.A.? 
I’m from just outside of Boston, but I moved here by way of NYC 4.5 years ago. I actually came for a contract job with Yahoo, but I ended up enjoying the city and staying to pursue more creative endeavors.

How has being in L.A. changed your life?
I’ve never been more creative than I have in this city. There is just so much art  and style everywhere you look. Playing music here has also been life changing. I’ve never felt more able to be myself, and the people I’ve met are amazing. There’s also just more room to breathe!

What kind of obstacles were you faced with during your move to L.A.?
I was definitely super homesick for New York for the first year. I knew some people here already but I still felt like I was starting a new life. Everything here is so completely different, it just took some time to adjust and figure out what I really wanted. 

How has being in L.A. helped you achieve your dreams?
There is definitely a lot of opportunity here, and people are friendly. For instance, selling my clothing at boutiques has been really joyful because I’ve met so many badass female shop owners. I feel like everyone has this sort of youthful energy here, and people are excited about life. A lot of people who come here have goals and are motivated, so it hasn’t been super hard to find people to work with on projects. Also I met my best friend here (Sam Westervelt) and then my friend from Boston moved here (Greg Settino), and now we are in a band (Egg Drop Soup). It was kind of serendipitous and the city has been so good to us.

What is/are your favorite thing(s) about living in L.A.? 
I’m never bored. 

What thing(s) did you do this week to bring you closer to where you want to be?
We have a residency at Big Foot Lodge this month, so I played a show there on Thursday. Scheduled a photo shoot for my line. Sent out a newsletter for my line. Sold my stuff at a flea market. 

What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you’ve achieved?
I got a feature length script optioned last year thanks to the support of a dear friend. I’ve also been able to shoot a bunch of other short projects.

What is the most significant goal you had before you got here that you are still working toward?
Directing my first feature film. 

What do you love that you struggle to find time for?
Exercise. Writing. Spending more time with family (my sister and mom work here) and friends. Doing more buddhist activities (I practice with the SGI). Seeing more movies and bands. Going to the desert. READING.

What do you do for fun?
Play music, go to shows, watch a good series or movie at home, find good food, make jewelry, hike.

What is something funny/crazy that has happened to you since being in L.A. that you think would only happen in L.A.?
There’s too many to list. Adopted a dog. Exchanged numbers with a celebrity. My band was asked to audition for a commercial (and we did). Got conned out of $100. Had my birth chart read. Performed for a musical hero. Got asked to direct a porno.

How would you describe your style?
70s rocker that owns a motorcycle (I don’t) but is also girlie. 

Any words of wisdom for others out there who may be thinking about moving to L.A. to pursue their dreams?
Let go of your illusions of LA being a vacation and prepare work hard, and long.

Do you have any projects, shows, performances, or events coming up that we should know about?
-Egg Drop Soup residency at Big Foot lodge every thursday at 11 in December.
-Live EP just dropped on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7pzH64zegJsbv79XgCYXr0?si=sh-U6pTZSVGXRBl7dtoh_A
-Show Jan 29. with Planet What at Lot 1
-Tour to SXSW in March.
-New products launching on my website by Jan 1. 

Website / social media links?
video i directed for the band: https://www.grimygoods.com/2018/09/17/premiere-las-egg-drop-soup-share-video-for-partying-alone/

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