L.Alien Presents: True Violet Band

**Where are you from and what brought you to L.A.? 

Jessy is originally from New York but move to Florida when she was 17. We ( The Miller Sisters) are from Daytona Beach, FL. We all met in Florida and we eventually found our way to Los Angeles through music and our management at the time. The minute we came to LA we knew we had to live here

How has being in L.A. changed your life?
We were living in a different kind of bubble in Florida and although LA is a bubble in itself, it’s definitely showed us a different way of life and shaped us into the artists we are today.  

How has being in L.A. helped you achieve your dreams?
LA is full of so much art and opportunity and it’s served nothing short of that for our music and creative endeavors.

What is/are your favorite thing(s) about living in L.A.?
We love the culture, food, hikes, & diversity! There’s so much to explore here and we haven’t even scratched the surface of it’s beauty.

What thing(s) did you do this week to bring you closer to where you want to be?
We wrote 5 songs and killed a bottle of fine brandy haha! Each day that we spend doing what we love is a day spent being exactly where we want to be. Our goals are endless and each time we put efforts towards growing and creating together it brings us closer to the next chapter.

How would you describe your style?
Our music can be considered indie pop blues and our style reflects that with a twist of each of our own eclectic individualism.

What do you do for fun?
Not to be cliche but the same things we do in our band and also food, art, exploring, creating and ganster movies.  

Any words of wisdom for others out there who may be thinking about moving to L.A. to pursue their dreams?
Be ready to starve, to cry, to bust your ass & to be knocked down. In the end it’s worth all of it and you can and will get back up and achieve every one of your goals! 

Do you have any projects, shows, performances, or events coming up that we should know about?
We’re currently writing our full length album which we are really excited about. We’ve taken some time off of live performances to focus on the process. 

Website / social media links?
Our website is www.truevioletmusic.com and all of our social handles are @truevioletband
